Corporate Gifting – The Best Ever type of Advertising

Understanding Brand Merchandising / Corporate Gifting-

Brand Merchandising or Corporate Gifting is a practice of promoting the brand by increasing brand visibility amongst the stakeholders of the company. It can be your:

Branded merchandise is a unique way to engage your consumers, in today’s competitive and dynamic market scenario, a consumer can easily shift to a brand that is more popular, that has more market visibility, that is constantly engaging with the end user. In such scenario it has become crucial to create brand loyalty – one which stays strong in the dynamic market.

Are you doing enough to maintain and make your brand loyalty amongst your customers stronger?

In this article we will be talking about - Why Corporate Gifting is important? And how it can bring a difference in overall marketing strategy for your brand.

Some common examples of corporate gifting by the companies-

By the way, these are only a few options that Publicity Point offers to its clients and there are innumerable creative ideas we suggest to our clients, we can keep going on and on, but you get the point, right? For more information we can definitely connect over a cup of coffee or tea, whatever you like, but for now let us understand the importance of Corporate Gifting-

Importance of Corporate Gifting-

In simple layman terms – Is there anyone who would not love Gifts?

Not exaggerating but, gifts are a medium to express the importance other person holds in our lives, similarly, when a brand is distributing gifts amongst its stakeholders, it is showing them how important they are for the brand to become successful, to exist in the market.

Another important point a brand needs to consider is that Corporate Gifting is creating a theme for the brand, just like we attach colour red with Coca-Cola, Corporate Gifting helps the customers to associate the merch with the brand and thus, it creates a long-lasting attachment of certain elements with the brands. (It could be anything- colour, logo, message etc.)

For e.g.; When a new employee receives a box full of goodies like a coffee mug, a diary, a t-shirt and a pen with a brand logo/name on it and in brand colour, it instantly clicks with the employee, they instantly feel belonged and HAPPY!

Corporate branding is for building your brand, to build long lasting relationships with the dealers, the sub dealers, the employees and the end user. The goal here is - anybody who is associated with the brand in anyway possible should at least possess one thing that has the brandlogo/nameprinted on it.

Why? So that they are aware of the brand, they’re able to recall the brand, they are always connected with the brand.

Advantages of Corporate Gifting in Ahmedabad –

Brand Building - The more the brand's name occurs in front of the customers, the more aware the customer becomes of the brand. With the help of corporate branding companies are putting in the silent efforts of positioning themselves in the mind of its consumer.

Emotional connection- have you shopped from PUMA, Adidas, TITAN or any such brand? Do you get excited with the shopping bag that the store gives us at the end of the shopping? Well, that’s the kind of emotional connection we’re talking about, when a consumer is given a complimentary something, maybe a pendrive that has your brand logo, a cap that has your brand name etc. will increase the credibility for the brand.

Motivation for Employees- Specifically when we talk about uniform branding, it creates a sense of belonging, and when there is such cohesion, they’re obliged to work towards the brand's vision. Also, uniform printing creates a professional image of the corporate in the minds of the customers, thereby increasing the credibility factor.

Apart from uniform printing, corporates can also provide welcome kits to the employees, this will boost their morale as well as the credibility of the company as well.

Quick acceptance of new business- Corporate branding helps to build a goodwill that will benefit the future endeavours of the brand, the customers are more likely to accept and try the products and services of the brand which is highly visible in the market.

Long lasting brandrelationships - Corporate gifting helps to build long lasting relationships amongst your industry counterparts, it shows the efforts that you put to make them feel special, you’re increasing the trustworthiness and belongingness. It’s silently getting them to prefer you during the time of purchase or any business collaboration.

Maximum visibility - Be it cap printing, t-shirt printing or pendrive printing, these things are used on an everyday basis, thus the more these are used the more visibility the brand gets. And when the brand is visible frequently it sets in the minds of the consumer, which results in maximum brand recall.

Brand loyalty- Corporate gifting is all about building your brand into an unforgettable name in the market, everybody from your dealers to sub dealers and from employee to your customers are connected with the brand in some or the other way and this helps in garnering the brand loyalty. People will prefer you amongst other brands because they feel they’re somehow connected to you.

How can Publicity Point help the brands to create a long-lasting impression in the market?

Publicity Point is all about strategic designing, planning and IDEAS. We put a lot of effort in accumulating the right resources to provide our clients standard quality products. We do not compromise on quality or on efficiency.

There are many agencies that provide the service for corporate gifting but Publicity Point helps the brands to design the gift as per the tone and personality of the brand, we focus more on the needs of the brand from Corporate Gifting and accordingly design the best and unique Corporate Gift for your client.

There is a process that we follow to provide the corporate gifting solution.

1. BRAINSTORMING TO POSITION YOUR BRAND RIGHT – For us it is important to understand –

Who the brand is?

What is the message it wants to convey to its customers?

Who are the customers?

And what are the needs and expectations they hold from Corporate Gifting?

Why is this important? It helps us to brainstorm in the right direction, to come up with the best and unique solution for your brands’ needs for Brand Merchandising.

2. CREATING CUSTOMISED VALUABLE OFFERINGS: Diversified industries get diversified solutions based on the needs of the brand segment - The needs of the brands based on the industry, the products, the services are different and so is the customer. So, we do not believe in the “One for All” solution when it comes to corporate gifting. We plan, design and suggest gifts that are of high value and are connected with the brand’s message. It eases the life of the customers at the same time conveys the brand’s vision too.

3. KEEN ON QUALITY AND USABILITY: make sure we give long lasting corporate gifts, high quality gifts - Would you like it if someone throws away your branded t-shirt within 1 month of wearing it? It has your name on it? No, right! It’s because a low quality determines the bad impression of the brand. To make a lasting impression we ensure that the products are of high quality, meticulously curated (because pendrive printing isn’t easy) and well performing, so whoever uses it, will keep on thanking you.

Some usable products examples are are t-shirts, cap, pendrives, a coffee mug, a table top, a mobile pop socket, a fridge magnet etc.

Thus, we help you to build a brand that is highly reputed and highly visible.

4. WORKING ON VISUALS & DESIGNING: When we say we meticulously curate the design, we mean making sure every tiny detail is in sync with the brand. Thus the fonts, the colour, the design everything is according to brand personality and tone. Anybody who uses it, can be easily reminded of the brand vision.

5. SAMPLE DESIGNING: provide the sample first and once approved from the client, we go ahead and finish the entire project. Corporate gifting is a lengthy process, and it also costs a lot to the company, hence to avoid unnecessary costs we first share the sample of the printings, we get the approvals from the clients and then we do the mass production for the giftings. This might ask for some time,but, in the end, we are saving both time and money.

6. ALWAYS THERE FOR OUR CLIENTS- understand that things, if they are not in working condition hold no relevance and are dumped, hence we also give replacement warranties to our clients whenever possible to keep the brand image intact.

Publicity Point has a team of dedicated individuals and experts who work daily with a purpose to come up with the BEST! Corporate branding in Ahmedabad is one of the favourable ways to promote the brand and Publicity Point leaves no stone unturned with its creativity to suggest the right corporate gifting solution for your brand. We mostly prefer to have a yearly contract with the client, as this allows us to understand the client and their needs efficiently and before the client demands we are already ready with the gifting solution. But we can surely work as per the needs of the clients and thus for more information on corporate gifting, you might want to connect with us at or call in directly @ +919724033332

Looking for more creative options for Corporate Gifting? Check this list-

Publicity Point as an advertising agency works a lot with creativity, when we speak of corporate gifting there are endless options and you can get as creative as you want.

We believe in utilizing things that are used in daily lives, so that it is always present in front of the eyes of the customer or anyone who is associated with the brand in some or the other way.

The ultimate goal of corporate branding lies in achieving maximum brand recognition and brand loyalty. We hope by now you’re convinced with the POWER OF CORPORATE GIFTING!

Let’s spill some beans onPrices of corporate Gifting in Ahmedabad

To be upright honest here- there cannot be fixed rate that can be mentioned, every quotation is different, the prices for Corporate Gifting depends on the product, type of the material used, type of the machinery used to produce the material, type of printing chosen by the client, the duration of the contract, the quantity ordered by the clientand various other factors play a role in deciding the price for the gifting. So, for more detailed quotations you know the drill- connect with team Publicity Point.

About Publicity Point -

Welcome to Publicity Point, a leading and fastest growing advertising agency in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. With our creative expertise and commitment to excellence, we help businesses achieve remarkable success through innovative advertising solutions.

We specialize in a wide range of advertising services, including auto rickshaw advertising, outdoor media campaigns, digital marketing, print advertisements, and more. Whether you're a small local business or a large corporation, we have the skills and resources to create compelling campaigns that drive results.

With transparency, accountability, and exceptional customer service, we're here to make your brand shine. Contact us today and let's create impactful campaigns that take your business to new heights.

Our services :
  • Hoardings
  • Traffic Booth Ads
  • Mobile Van Campaign
  • Bus Shelter Advertisement
  • Bus Branding
  • Auto Advertisement
  • LED Tricycle Advertisement
  • Dealer Shop Branding
  • Radio
  • Mall Advertisement
  • Movie theatre Advertising
  • Bus Terminals Ads
  • Railway Station Ads
  • Society Gates Branding
  • Airport Advertisement
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Google My Business
  • Google Ads/PPC Ads
  • Content Writing
  • Graphic Designing
  • Video Production
  • Website Development
  • Content marketing
  • Welcome Kit for Employees
  • Corporate Stationery
  • Corporate Giftings
  • Corporate T-shirts & Caps
  • 3D Designs
  • Graphics
  • Animations
  • 2D/3D Videos
  • Whiteboarding
  • All Printing Services

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